Hard Fast Battery Doctor is a FREE battery saving app that extends battery life. The predefined and intelligent battery life management modes, one-touch controls and the high-performance battery charger steps of the Fast Fast Battery Doctor allow you to solve battery problems and extend Its autonomy.
Why is the Hard Hard Battery Doctor app an indispensable app?
★ Optimization and battery saver with one click
Find and instantly solve your energy consumption problems and unlock detailed settings that will maximize your energy savings;
★ Predefined Smart Modes
Select or customize a mode suitable for your use of energy;
★ Phone Cooler
The cooling function consists of systematically controlling, managing and deactivating apps that deplete the processor in order to protect your hardware;
★ Battery Saver & Battery Monitor
This feature checks all apps that consume power when not in use and tells you what they are. It shows how much battery life you have if you use one-touch economy. It also monitors the power consumption of all running apps and lists the details in the App Manager, Battery Monitor, to clearly show the status of the battery life and how to use it ;
Smart Charge
Displays the status of the load in real time by accurately estimating the remaining charge time
Keras Cepat Battery Doctor adalah baterai hemat aplikasi GRATIS yang memperpanjang hidup baterai. Modus yang telah ditetapkan dan cerdas hidup baterai manajemen, kontrol satu sentuhan dan kinerja tinggi pengisi baterai tangga Cepat Cepat Battery Doctor memungkinkan Anda untuk memecahkan masalah baterai dan memperpanjang otonomi Its.
Mengapa aplikasi Keras Keras Battery Doctor sebuah aplikasi yang sangat diperlukan?
★ Optimization dan penghemat baterai dengan satu kali klik
Cari dan langsung memecahkan masalah konsumsi energi Anda dan membuka pengaturan rinci yang akan memaksimalkan penghematan energi Anda;
★ Predefined Mode Cerdas
Pilih atau menyesuaikan mode cocok untuk Anda gunakan energi;
★ Cooler Telepon
Fungsi pendinginan terdiri dari sistematis mengendalikan, mengelola dan menonaktifkan aplikasi yang menguras prosesor untuk melindungi hardware Anda;
★ Battery Saver & Baterai Memantau
Fitur ini memeriksa semua aplikasi yang mengkonsumsi daya ketika tidak digunakan dan memberitahu Anda apa yang mereka. Ini menunjukkan berapa banyak hidup baterai Anda miliki jika Anda menggunakan ekonomi satu sentuhan. Hal ini juga memonitor konsumsi daya dari semua aplikasi berjalan dan daftar rincian di Manager App, Battery Monitor, dengan jelas menunjukkan status dari baterai dan bagaimana menggunakannya;
pintar Mengisi
Menampilkan status beban secara real time dengan memperkirakan secara akurat waktu pengisian yang tersisa
Hard Fast Battery Doctor is a FREE battery saving app that extends battery life. The predefined and intelligent battery life management modes, one-touch controls and the high-performance battery charger steps of the Fast Fast Battery Doctor allow you to solve battery problems and extend Its autonomy.
Why is the Hard Hard Battery Doctor app an indispensable app?
★ Optimization and battery saver with one click
Find and instantly solve your energy consumption problems and unlock detailed settings that will maximize your energy savings;
★ Predefined Smart Modes
Select or customize a mode suitable for your use of energy;
★ Phone Cooler
The cooling function consists of systematically controlling, managing and deactivating apps that deplete the processor in order to protect your hardware;
★ Battery Saver & Battery Monitor
This feature checks all apps that consume power when not in use and tells you what they are. It shows how much battery life you have if you use one-touch economy. It also monitors the power consumption of all running apps and lists the details in the App Manager, Battery Monitor, to clearly show the status of the battery life and how to use it ;
Smart Charge
Displays the status of the load in real time by accurately estimating the remaining charge time